Working with our hands, thinking with our heart. For a better wine world

Tedeschi wines have become synonymous with terroir and Valpolicella around the world as a result of their constant and meticulous labor in the vineyard over the years. Nothing is ever left to chance. The profound attention to the vineyard includes research to uncover a perfect interaction between the characteristics of the soil, the microclimate, the sun exposure, the choice of the most appropriate varietals, and the cultivation system. Tedeschi supports research and experimentation as fundamental tools to guarantee quality production. Today the company, which has always respected the environment, is sustainable and certified according to the standards of Biodiversity Friend and Equalitas.

Aromatic Characterization

The commitment the Tedeschi winery has to its own territory is underscored by the research the family has undertaken since 2017 in collaboration with Professor Maurizio Ugliano of the Department of Biotechnology at the University of Verona on the aromatic character of grapes and wines from a single vineyard as well as on the principle factors involved in their expression, focusing primarily on Amarone, but also including Valpolicella. This study is the first of its kind.

What we carry


Valpolicella Superiore

Capitel San Rocco Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore

Amarone Della Valpolicella Marne 180

Ansari Armarone della Valpolicella

Capitel Monte Olmi Amarone della Valpolicella

Amarone Della Valpolicella Riserve Maternigo



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